so continuing with my second part of 2011 post~

deena and ice cream before our boat trip to long island

photographer being taken by another

being what i have always been - transportation

triumph foto for climbing the pirate cave 張保仔洞

next up is new years "1,2,3,4"!

Happy New Year~

definitely our best photos together

most awesome taxi driver ever!

on the first day of 2011 deena was actually...sick, so i went home and met up with my big brother for family~ (not related)

what a happy family~
so on the second we went to have a lil adventure on my dad's mini cooper from 1972~which was named "Deena" afterward guessed it, Deena~

me and Deena

deena and Deena
afterward that was macau day trip~

new lisboa

new lisboa

ugliest Phantom EVER!!

even nigo's camo has more swag than that!
at the end i lost 200 and she miraculously won $20 dollars from -300!!
next up, realise that we have pretty much no time left, we started to focus on our main goal again, MUSIC!
so we hired Pac to come record for us with a bowl of Pho~

and hotpot
and the second last day, it was recording day again, but having an elephantis voice (deena's), it was a hard day's work
and whilst she was doing her recording, she tries to pack and make a card for my family at the same time~
and finally~on the last day, we woke up, pack and watched Chung King Express, then went and check in at elements. she was actually feeling ill at the time but...she had to go :(
so after sushi, i sent her off to the airport and off she went to Tai Wan and back to Australia~
still misses Pretty Green after 2 weeks~~~~~~~
and thats my 2 weeks of adventure with Deenacolada!