and the weather was not ideal for travelling (the past 4 trips i've made all ended up having atleast a day of heavy it me?)
anyway, not much to say, but some photos of the trip!
started off the trip as beatles

ended up having a personalitey change at night

saw this lovely backyard/garden at ksubi store, took a sneaky shot and got told by the staff "no shooting"

but i did spot a magpie

and some lovely flowers

for the first time in my life felt peer pressure as i sat on the bar bar chair on william st, behind me is mr.italian (forgot his name, been working at the same shop for over 50 yrs)
it's like putting myself in a 60's flick

stepped out into the 70's

how i felt most of the trip

literally stuffed ourselves at 炭之家

had a fight/kung fu show in front of maccas after kareoke with mr.lowie

wrapped out trip at the Opera house

lastly must thank the new friends made at Sydney: Dave, Gus and Polly, hope to see you guys soon!

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