but a while ago, i discovered someone call 歐陽靖 GinOy, and instantly i was madly addicted to her. at first i was curious about her actual identity/occupation, as her description floating on the internet says (rough translation):
daughter of an ex-Taiwan actress and high rank gangster (who is also a renown member of the RSPCA...), IQ estimate of 168 but she hasn't finished highschool, a model/actress although she was considered as obese until age 16, nominated for "best styling" of a movie that she styled even it's her first attempt when she was 20, won first prize at an international LOMO competition, loves to shoot film, a bass player, would be considered as an OTAKU in normal people's perspective, ranked top 20 in Taiwan for most Playstation 3 games finished with 100% completion (quite possibly no.1 female), covered in tattoo, released an Existentialism/ sci-fi novel without reading much novel in the past and finally she love beer.
after reading this interesting background, i bought a copy of her novel and read it. i wouldn't say it's the best sci-fi novel i've read, but it does have a very interesting concept that keeps your eyes focus on the book. And after going through every single post on her blog and pretty much every single bits of information that i can find about her on the internet, i can confirm that, for the first time in my life, i am hooked on to a celebrity.

oh did i mention that she has the type of face that i consider as really hot?
her blog is: http://ginoy.blog.shinobi.jp/
ps: seems like apart from Devon Aoki...all of my female crush (Sue Qi and Vivian Hsu) are Taiwanese....
She does seem interesting!
She's gorgeous! Interesting tattoos and loving her blog!
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