So on the 17th of August, me and my team (consists of me, Josh Dorevich, Josh Oakley, Jonathan See, Natalia Alessi and Amy Gao) went to D.T Digital to interview the Digital Strategy Director of Ogilvy Group Melbourne, for our group assignment about Digital Agency. Before the interview, we all went and looked up on Tim Evans and wanted to know some background information about him. So we found out that he started off in Fashion industry, then moved to BBDO and eventually Ogilvy.
here is a picture of the man himself:

For most of us, that was the first time entering an actual agency and being the biggest digital agency in Australia, we were pretty excited. As we were nervously sitting in the reception area waiting for Tim, we started fantasizing about one day working at somewhere as awesome as D.T Digital. Situated in top floor on St. Kilda road, 360 degree view with creative looking people walking around, we were sold to the advertising world. Shortly after when Tim arrived, all the boys were shocked, but later we all came to a conclusion that this man in front of us is what we are aiming for (although the girls denied, but we think they lied). Firstly he is young, being 26 years old and already a strategy director has already amazed us, but it was his passion, his confidence and his knowledge that really got us excited. And the worst of all? He was actually quite a good looking guy.
He took us for a short tour, then we sat down at the pantry for a short interview and said our goodbye. Throughout the interview, Tim not only answered our questions related to our assignments, but also shared some of his personal insights about the industry and advertising in general. Obviously, being the leader of a digital group, he is very aware of how digital and technology are affecting our lifestyle. What i got out of him is how supportive he is to the industry, but also how excited he is about all the change that is going to happen, and most important of all how is he going to be a part of it.
He told us how mobile technology and social media have become the dominant focus of their company and the reason behind it. Ever since the introduction of iphone and the smartphones that followed, we have changed our way of communication. Tim himself is very excited about having the ability and power to be a part of this revelation and is willing to make a change.
What I personally got out of the interview is a question to myself: What role do I want to play in this industry?
Being a student with no prior knowledge and education that relates to advertising, I can honestly say that I do not have the passion or objective to change anything. However, it seems like for the next few years after I graduate, I would become a part of this industry. Which occurs to me that in order to become someone like Tim, it is the driving force that sets yourself above your competitors and how much do you enjoy your career. As I have not gained any working experience in this field, it is too early to comment, but I think it is very important for me to treat Advertising as a part of my lifestyle, rather than part of my education and future career, if I want to become someone like Tim Evans one day.